About Us
About Us

Senior Pastor
Rev. D. Mohan
Rev. D. Mohan is the Senior Pastor and Founder of the New Life Assembly of God, Chennai, India. His life and ministry are touching thousands of lives across the world. His faith in God and relentless prayer were the two most important factors that went a long way in establishing this Church. Rev. D. Mohan, along with a team of pastors and elders, has been continuously discipling the Church to impact the world.
Rev. Mohan served as the Chairman of the World Assemblies of God. He is the Chairman of the National Prayer and Church Planting Initiative, which is involved in prayer ministry, leadership development and Church planting. He is on the board of directors of CGI (Church Growth International). He was the first pastor to receive the Bill Bright Leadership Award, which was given to him by the Global Pastors Network.
Rev. D. Mohan is married to Mrs. Getzial Mohan and they are blessed with three children and six grandchildren.

English Service Lead Pastor
Rev. Chadwick S. Mohan
Rev. Chadwick Samuel Mohan is the Lead Pastor of the English Service of New Life Assembly of God, Chennai. Pastor Chadwick is deeply committed to establishing the Church as a family of families, which is relationally mentored through every stage of life and lived as the family of God in small groups. He has a deep passion in networking with churches and other organizations to build the body of Christ and transform nations.
Pastor Chadwick is on the core ministry team of Bless India Vision 2020 – a broad based network of churches and Church planting organizations in India. He also serves on the board of Project Rescue in India.
He is closely associated with BILD International and the Antioch School from Ames, Iowa that trains churches and leaders in the way of Christ and His apostles. He is involved in training 23 strategic leaders in their D. Min program in India. He is on the Global Advisory Board of One Hope, USA. He also serves on the Presidential Task force for globalization of the Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, USA.
Pastor Chadwick has earned a Doctorate in Ministry degree in Global Church Based Theological Education from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary, USA, along in addition to three other educational degrees. He is married to Sumi and they have a son Naethan Godwill.
reminiscing our history

History : 50 Years of Celebrating New Life
In November 2023 NLAG celebrated its 50th year as the new life family.
The First Score: 1973 – 1993
New Life Assembly of God (NLAG) had its humble beginning in a small rented house with 7 members in the year 1973. It began growing through the consistent preaching of God’s Word, prevailing prayer and faith despite many trials that came in the form of cyclones, fires and floods, destroying the meeting places. Each time however, the congregation continued meeting under the shade of trees till God provided a building in 1986 at Little Mount. Around 50 prayer cells had formed across the city, steadily growing the Church.
The Second Score: 1993 – 2013
With the introduction of the cell based model of discipleship, the Church continued to grow as a network of small group communities that met in homes during the week and gathered together on weekends. The building was extended in 1994 to accommodate the growth and multiple services were conducted though the weekend. With the understanding of the priesthood of all believers, the members of each home cell were discipled, equipped and released into action.
In 2011 NLAG hosted the World AG Conference in Chennai. The entire Church came together to serve the many Assembly of God Church representatives who gathered at NLAG from 74 different nations.
NLAG currently meets in multiple facilities that house multiple services in multiple languages, while continuing to meet as families in homes across the city during the week.
Rev. D. Mohan, the founder and Senior Pastor, along with a host of pastors, elders and gifted administrators have been continuously establishing the Church in the faith, the wholistic teaching of God’s word, discipleship, relentless prayer and worship, equipping people to impact the city, nation and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
CORE BELIEFS OF New Life Assembly of God
We Believe
There is but one true and living God; maker of heaven and earth and all that is in them. We believe in God the Father, God the Son-Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit, three in One.
Man was created in the image of God. However, the first human beings Adam and Eve chose to disobey God and walk in sin. All mankind have inherited their sinful nature and continue to make the choice of living in sin, reaping its consequences. Therefore all have sinned and need redemption.
God in His love sent His one and only Son Jesus Christ to redeem this world by paying the full penalty for its sins. Jesus died on the cross for each one of our sins. He rose again from the dead, ascended to heaven, promised to return and sent His Holy Spirit to be with us.
Anyone who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ and repents of their sins receives forgiveness and eternal life, irrespective of tribe, tongue, religion or nationality.
All who believe in Jesus will externalize their commitment to God by obeying Him in the waters of baptism, thus being initiated as disciples of Christ into His family, the Church.
The disciples of Jesus Christ in cooperation with the Holy Spirit will overcome sin, live good lives by bearing the fruit of the Spirit and be empowered with His gifts to do the good works they were created for, thus sustaining their salvation to the very end.
The Church is at the centre of God’s purpose for this age and that God’s wisdom will be displayed to the entire universe through the Church to the praise of His glory. We believe that Christ’s central purpose is building His Church, and ultimately His kingdom; and nothing can stand in His way, even Satan and all his forces. Therefore the Church is not a building but the ‘family of God’ where individuals and families come together as His community in the midst of whom His Spirit dwells.
The Church of Jesus Christ has been called to have a dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit, to learn, live out and teach the inspired timeless, trans-cultural truths of the Word of God. We believe that all matters concerning the life and beliefs of the churches are to be settled by the Word of God. Though the churches are to be guarded and protected by gifted leaders, all are subject to the authority of the biblical text.
The perpetual command of the Great Commission is to take the gospel to the world. We believe that the Church, through the Holy Spirit, has the power and authority of Jesus to heal the sick, cast out demons and raise the dead. He also empowers every disciple with His gifts and power to be effective witnesses for Him in the world wide mission of making disciples. We believe that Christ’s strategy for building His Church can be clearly identified in Scriptures as a multiplication of churches—communities of Christians committed to maturing in Christ and to furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Each believer should fellowship and celebrate the Lord’s Supper regularly with the Church. This will serve as a way of remembering his identity with Christ and with Christ’s body, the Church, until Christ’s return.
The glorious return of our Lord Jesus Christ for His Church is coming soon. He will judge and reward, the living and the dead and will establish His kingdom forever. Until Jesus comes again the Church is called to be in the world, yet not of the world; submit to all authority that God has placed; be prayerful and watchful and be the salt and light to the world.